Monday, June 28, 2010

Vanilla Almond Clif Builder's Bar

I ate this around 1 p.m. today, about 2 hours after a very small lunch. I'm hoping that the 20! grams of protein in the Vanilla Almond Clif Builder's Bar will tide me over until dinner. Which is hot dogs, cooked on the grill. Yum. Man, I am way too hungry these days.

Let me, at this time, articulate my opposition to coatings of any kind on nutrition bars. Our first entry had melty chocolate, and today we have some sort of unidentifiable melty vanilla coating, sort of like white chocolate or like the yogurt on yogurt covered raisins, but neither chocolate nor yogurt are among the ingredients in this bar. Whatever it is, it tastes fine, but it's not worth the sticky greasiness it leaves on my hands as it melts.

The Vanilla Almond bar is large and heavy for its size. It's strucured almost like a candy bar, with the aforementioned coating, a top layer (about 3 mm) that is dense and sweet, and then a slightly thicker bottom layer that is the crunchy granola texture that is typical of nutrition bars. It took longer to eat than most nutrition bars, and I think that bodes well for its staying power. There are other flavors in Clif's "Builder's Bar" line, though, and I'd definitely try one of them before I came back to this one, given the choice.

Application of the Nutrition Formula:
Protein: 20 g, 4 points
Fiber: 3 g, 3 points
Natural Ingredients: No HFCS, Organic, 20 ingredients, no artificial sweeteners, 3 point
Calories: 270, 3 points
Sugars: 22 g, 2 points
Total: 15/25

Taste: This bar is ok. Nothing special. The outer coating is a little too sweet, and the whole thing is actually overall pretty sweet. Definite vanilla taste. The almond taste is more subtle, almost an aftertaste, and I didn't encounter any satisfyingly big pieces of almond.

Overall: 25/50

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