Yesterday I had an engaging discussion about nutrition bars with my dear friend Ray, after he pulled a Chocolate Chip Peanut Crunch Clif Bar out of his bag. I trust Ray on the subject of packaged foods, as not only is he an accomplished consumer of same, he is also responsible for ordering for a significant section in one of our areas largest grocery stores. We agreed that the ideal nutrition bar is 1) not too dense and 2) not coated in anything.
Upon opening the package, I realize that I'm not going to be impressed with the Yogurt Honey Peanut Balance Bar, although the depths of my disappointment are not realized until I take my first bite- which is when I realise that this bar breaks both of those rules. The bar is coated in some sort of yogurty thing- although this is probably to be expected from the name of the flavor, and I will say that it is one of the tastier coatings I have encountered so far, and it does not melt on my fingers. But the real sin is the density. This bar is like an unpleasant, grainy Snickers bar, without the crunch. I expect peanuts to crunch. These peanuts crumble.
Application of the Nutrition Formula:
Protein: 15 g, 3 point
Fiber: 0 g, 0 points
Natural Ingredients: HFCS*, Non-organic, 23 ingredients, no artificial sweetners, 2 points
Calories: 200, 4 points
Sugars: 17 g, 3 points
Total: 12/25
Protein: 15 g, 3 point
Fiber: 0 g, 0 points
Natural Ingredients: HFCS*, Non-organic, 23 ingredients, no artificial sweetners, 2 points
Calories: 200, 4 points
Sugars: 17 g, 3 points
Total: 12/25
Taste: If you couldn't tell from the above, I did not like this bar. The best I can say for it is that I'd eat it again if it was all I had and I were hungry, and I suspect it will keep me sated until dinner. After finishing this bar, my mouth feels like I ate peanuts, but I think it would have been more satisfying to eat a bag of the airplane variety. Eating this was not like eating food- especially not yogurt, honey, or peanuts.
Overall: 20/50
*Ok, technically the label doesn't say high fructose corn syrup, it says corn syrup and fructose. But they don't get any points for cleverness.
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